Virran Tech Solutions
Our Philosophy
Collaborate - This is a Business Jargon, Probably most misused word among other misused Jargons. Virran has made a conscious decision to ensure that this does not just become a Jargon to be used by Sales team, but a DNA to be infused into its Corporate Culture.
Cooperate - This is an important aspect of Virran's Philosophy. We are open to work together in order to achieve the common goal - Successful ERP Implementations and Better ROI for our Clients.
Co-exist - Virran believes strongly that we as different businesses in this Industry do not need to fight for the share of the Pie, rather we can work together to expand the Pie and comfortably share the pie based on our capacities and capabilities.
Core Values
Leadership, Focus, Courage, Enthusiasm, Service Orientation, Perseverance, Authenticity, Business Awareness, Faith and Integrity form our Core Values, which gives our Team the Inner strength and Motivation to move together as a team towards our Business Goals.